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Bat Surveys

All 18 species of bat that occur in the UK have suffered declines over the past 100 years. Due to these declines all bats and their roosts are protected by law under the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act and the Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004.

As ‘European Protected Species’, further protection is afforded to all UK bat species under the Regulation 39(1) of the Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations 1994, the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Amendment (Scotland) Regulations 2004 in Scotland, and the Countryside Rights of Way Act (CRoW) in England.

It is, therefore, illegal to:

  • Intentionally or recklessly kill, injure or capture/take a bat;
  • Intentionally or recklessly damage, destroy or obstruct a bat’s place of shelter or protection (a roost);
  • Intentionally or recklessly disturb a bat in its roost; and
  • Knowingly cause or permit any of the above offences to take place.

Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy specialises in providing bat surveys for building and development projects.