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You can contact Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultant at the following addresses:

England: SSWC, 9 Basford Road, Manchester M16 0FT

Scotland: SSWC. Laundry Cottage, Clarencefield, Dumfries, DG1 4NA

Phone: 07894 081164

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We specialise in protected species and habitat surveys throughout Wales, northern England and Scotland.

For the past ten years our team of experienced associate ecologists have provided a professional service tailored to the needs of our clients in variety of rural and urban habitats on projects requiring bat, otter, badger, water vole and extended habitat surveys.

Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy specialises in protected species and habitat survey, mitigation and licensing and offers expert advice on a range of environmental issues throughout the UK

We are currently working on projects in Cardiff, Llanberis, Manchester, Dumfries, Castle Douglas, Ayr, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dumbarton, Livingston, Lanark, East Kilbride, Falkirk and Thurso.

Clients are wide and varied and currently include Network Rail, Bell Access and Engineering Ltd, EcoPlan, Story, Salford Council, Advanced Rope Access, Dumfries and Galloway Housing Partnership, Dalbeattie Community Partnership, Alder and Allan, OHES Environmental and George Leslie.

Contracts have over the past 12 months have included surveys of farm buildings, domestic residences, bridges, viaducts, schools and colleges, wetlands, conifer and broadleaved woodlands, parks and industrial landscapes.