Past research projects include:
- Monitoring barnacle geese on Bear Island in the High Arctic as part of four-person team coordinated by The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) (2001 & 2003);
- Monitoring red breasted geese in Bulgaria as part of international team coordinated by WWT (2005);
- Habitat Preferences of Vespertilionid Bats in a Sitka Spruce Dominated Habitat (2005);
- Dumfries and Galloway Nightjar Radio Tracking Project (2006);
- Research Assistant for the University of Michigan monitoring bats in the shade of coffee plantations of Chiapas, Mexico (2007);
- Research Assistant with Stirling University conducting driven transects and mist netting in Botswana as part of research in to the Distribution and Ecology of Cave Dwelling Bats in Southern Africa coordinated by (2012);
- Research Assistant with the Reticulated Giraffe Project, Kenya (2010);
- Part of an international team of bat expert coordinated by Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences conducting the annual hibernating bat census at Nietoperek, Poland (2011, 2012 & 2016);
- Expedition to Namibia with Bats Without Borders to explore and survey of various underground sites as part of on-going research in to the distribution and ecology of cave dwelling bats in Southern Africa (2016); and
- South West Scotland Leisler’s Bat Radio Tracking Project 2009 to 2018.