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Rope Access Surveys

We provide protected species rope access surveys of bridges, viaducts, buildings, rockfaces, cliffs, trees and other high structures.

Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy can provide protected species surveys in any difficult access situation, such as  surveys of bridges, viaducts, buildings, cliffs, quarries, trees and other high structures, without the need for prohibitively expensive solutions such as scaffolding.

We specialise in:

  • Climbing trees to monitor birds of prey nests;
  • Climbing trees to inspect potential bats roosts;
  • Using rope access techniques to survey high structures such as bridges, viaducts and buildings for nesting birds;
  • Using rope access techniques to survey high structures such as bridges, viaducts and buildings for bat roosts; and
  • Surveying buildings, trees and other structures for nesting birds and roosting bats from mobile elevated platforms when rope access techniques are not required due to scale or for health and safety reasons.

Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultancy works in partnership with Bell Access and Engineering Ltd (BAE) on all rope access projects. BAE specialises in geotechnical and rope access solutions throughout the UK. All our rope technicians and licensed ecologists are qualified to Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) standards.

Recent projects have included:

  • Inspecting four 15-story blocks of flats for West Dumbarton Council using rope access techniques;
  • Surveying and monitoring a system of tunnels in a disused quarries from rope and harness in Wales  prior to submitting a planning application to develop the site as a hydro electric scheme;
  • Inspecting Ballochmyle Viaduct, the largest sandstone viaduct in Europe when it was constructed in March 1848, for the presence of roosting bat using rope access techniques prior to essential maintenance; and
  • Visually inspecting 60 trees from rope and harness at a development site at Birkwood Castle in South Lanarkshire.
  • Visual inspection of Old Tweed Bridge for evidence of roosting bat prior to essential maintenance.