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You can contact Stuart Spray Wildlife Consultant at the following addresses:

England: SSWC, 9 Basford Road, Manchester M16 0FT

Scotland: SSWC. Laundry Cottage, Clarencefield, Dumfries, DG1 4NA

Phone: 07894 081164

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SSWC Joins forces with Albatross Drones

SSWC has joined forces with Albatross Drones and, over the coming months and years, will be using state-of-the-art drone technology and advanced GIS and mapping software to survey, map and monitor protected species and habitats for developments, nature reserves and rewilding projects across theĀ UK.

We will be specialising in drone habitat mapping and drone wildlife surveys. Other services include checking for gas leaks, detecting thermal anomalies and/or defects in roofs, construction site monitoring, domestic and industrial roof inspections and structural surveys.